We employ a diligent, white-glove approach
Designed to efficiently achieve your business goals
The Pacific Health Law Group is a boutique law practice focusing on the legal needs of healthcare professionals. We assist doctors to support their practices from formation of their first practice, through to the sale, and everything in between. Our focus on doctors’ needs, and only doctors’ needs, allows us to provide our clients with informative, effective, and cost-efficient legal solutions. Give us a call, we are here to help.
Stay current with the latest info relevant to building your healthcare business.
We take pride in adding value to our clients’ practices by having a specialized knowledge of their industry. Visit our Blog, stay connected and stay informed.

In life, setbacks are inevitable. What matters in the end, however, isn’t the setbacks. It’s how you react to them.

Ever wondered how you can achieve greatness yourself? I’ll let you in on a secret. Everyone starts somewhere.