Building Blocks

Once you’ve decided to form a California corporation, such as a California Professional Corporation, there are many documents and filings you are required to complete to complete your corporation correctly. One such filing is the Statement of Information.

What’s Included in a Statement of Information?

The Statement of Information filing details your company’s owners, business address, and business description. A California corporation must file a Statement of Information within 90 days of its Articles of Incorporation endorsement.

Why Is a Statement of Information Needed?

The purpose of the Statement of Information is to ensure that your contact information is up to date with the Secretary of State. It is an important filing as it keeps your company in good standing with California’s SOS.

How Do I File?

The procedure for filing for maintaining your Statement of Information is simple. The required information for filing includes:

  • Corporate name
  • Business address
  • Officers (President, Secretary, Financial Officer)
  • Directors
  • Service of process (individual or California registered agent)
  • Type of business

After the initial filing, the Statement of Information is due every year thereafter and must be completed within the California Secretary of State’s filing window. Therefore, if you change your business address or any information stated on your original Statement of Information, you should file again sooner than the listed deadlines.

For busy doctors, it can be challenging to navigate the filings and deadlines for submissions when starting your business, so having an experienced healthcare attorney can mitigate the time and anxiety involved in getting your practice started. Contact our office to get in touch with attorneys that can help with your practice formation with confidence and peace of mind.